配送 Delivery Service

  1. All orders are processed within 3 to 4 business days (Monday – Friday).
  2. Orders are not shipped or delivered on weekends or public holidays.
  3. Additional days for the shipment may be applied to the customers due to the high volume of orders. The shipment may be delayed by a few days. If there is any delayed orders shipment, we will be contacted promptly to be advice estimated days of shipment.
  4. Orders cannot be shipped to PO Boxes or international address.
  5. If the packaging seal is opened or damaged, DO NOTaccept the parcel. Kindly contact us to let us know.
  6. If you are not at home to receive parcel / purchased order, kindly contact the carrier service (courier service) within a stipulated timeframe for next deliveries or pick up.
  7. If you are not at home to receive your purchased order, Please contact the courier service company within a stipulated timeframe for next deliveries or pick up.
  8. If the order is not collected within the stipulated time, the order may be disposed and Galaxy Crystal Gallery. will not be liable to provide any refund for the amount purchased for that order.
  9. We only use standard packaging materials for all orders.
  10. We deliver each order to one delivery address within Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia / Sabah and Sarawak.
  11. Our collaborative courier partner : J&T Express.

Shipping Charges

Shipping charges for your order will be calculated seperately with below reference based on regions.
* (The fee is subjected to change by the management without prior notice)

a) Parcel – Within Region (Within Peninsular Malaysia)
   West Malaysia – 1st KG – RM10, additional RM2 /per kg

b) Parcel – Inter – Region
    Between Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak, Sabah
    East Malaysia – 1st KG – RM13, additional RM10 /per kg


Return And Refund Policy
(Applicable To Item Breakage / Damage /wrong Order Delivery)

Please read our return and refund policy which is strictly for breakage / damage / wrong order delivery of our items in transit.

Kindly contact us if there is item breakage / damage / wrong order delivery of our items in transit.

Return item can be made to our address below :
Galaxy Crystal Gallery (002927378-A)
No.26, Jalan EIP 3, Ehsan Industrial Park, 52100 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-6279 0883
Email : galaxycrystal328@gmail.com